Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cabin fever ...

   Have I mentioned that I feel very cooped up in the house lately. With the weather being cold and a newborn in the house I haven't ventured out very often. And that makes for a very grumpy, nature deprived person. I really think that it's a nature of having a winter baby. Days are short, nights are long, it's very cold outside, and baby takes so much of my time and energy that it just happens that I never really wind up outside except for getting to the car to run errands.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Saying goodbye!

Baby Monkey with our midwife Jennie!
   Last Wednesday, I went to see the midwives for my last visit. At 6 weeks postpartum, my pregnancy and birthing journey is done. At this point Baby Monkey and myself will transfer to our GP. It's a milestone for us. But with each milestone comes a bit of sadness. This is the point when my relationship with my midwives  has come to an end. It's the last time that I will book appointments and go for a check-up. Of course, I will probably pop by their office one in a while and say hello (I would guess that's the perk of working as a midwife - you get to see the babies you delivered grow up), but this was the last time that I was scheduled to come in. Why is this so sad? Well, these ladies provide so much support for the whole family during a very special time in peoples' lives. By nature of the profession, to be a midwife you must be a caring and compassionate person . So it's only natural that women came to like our midwives very much. And it's only natural that we will miss them very much.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The postpartum mom

As I am nearing my 6 week postpartum check-up, I would like to write about what postpartum life is like. First of all, if you have recently given birth to your child (doesn't matter if it was vaginal birth or c-section) give yourself a pat on your back. You did it! Welcome to being a mommy! Whether this is your first child or you just added to your brood, becoming a mom (or a mom again) is such a beautiful thing. Hopefully you have had some time to rest and recover and things are starting to normalize for you. If you have not had your baby yet (and you're feeling like this pregnancy is bound to last forever) let's see what you can expect after you deliver your baby.
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