Dear Visitor.
Thank you for visiting my new blog. I have tried this blogging thing before, and failed miserably. So why try again? Isn't life busy enough without the need to post written records of it online? Well, yes. But life also offers lessons that I learned along the way, lessons that might prove informational for others charting the same road.
When I was first pregnant with my oldest (10 years ago) the era of online forums and chat rooms was just entering our everyday lives. Being 24 and the first one out of my family and most of my friends to have kids I felt a little off becoming a parent. Sure, there were numerous older women offering their help and support, but one thing they did not understand was how different raising kids in this new age was. Of course, changing diapers, or bathing little babies has not changed since they were new moms themselves, but the new era meant different pressures on parents, often being pulled and pushed in opposite directions. With the exclusion of few, most of the older women bottle fed their babies so they could not understand what were the needs of breastfeeding mom. They also had their closest female family members helping out while most men left child care to their wives and mothers. But we live in a world that although very connected through the Internet and phone still sees majority of family units separated from extended family members. The world has changed and old ways were no longer always the best ways to do things. I felt lost with this tiny baby that needed me all the time. Sure, my husband was there to help out when he got home from work, but for the most part I had to find things out by myself.
But things did get better after I had my second child. Help came from the most unusual of all places, online community of moms that were stuck in the same spot as me. I owe so much gratitude to these women. I finally felt normal reading their posts, comments, and blogs. I cried with them, I laughed at being stuck in the same situations, I agreed with their wisdom. They made me feel normal. These wonderful moms kept me sane and allowed my confidence to blossom. For the first time I felt that I could do it. Their support was even more necessary as I became convinced that I wanted to home school my kids. Very few people in real life thought that it was a good idea. Some even thought that I would ruin my kids. I had an university degree, but apparently I was not equipped to teach ABC's to my kindergartner. But once again my online support system stepped in and convinced me that YES, I could do it. I have never looked back since.
So here we are, I am a proud parent of 9 year old boy, 5 year old girl, 3 year old boy and pregnant with a little boy due in November. The two oldest are home schooled, and the third is starting preschool at home. I don't claim to know everything, but I have gained some knowledge. So to answer the question of why would I bother to blog, my answer is to give back. If I can just help one mom gain the confidence in her own abilities and stand up against the current that pulls our families and say "I know what is best for my family," then it's all worth it. Enjoy!