It was a big adjustment going
from living only for me (and my husband) to being responsible for this little
creature that depended on me for everything. There were many nights that I
cried with him. He was nothing like the calm, content babies in commercial ads
and movies. Funky Monkey made a statement wherever he was. He arrived with a
surprising amount of pain and a vacuum extraction. The first few months he
cried and nursed constantly, the only constants in his little life. It took me
a while to get to know his needs and act accordingly. Once I did, our lives went
much more smoothly, He still nursed all the time, but I could now recognize his
cries and what they meant. When he started crawling he eagerly explored
everything, although he was very cautious. He always needed his mommy within
the arm's reach. I didn't mind. My presence build his confidence and before I
knew it he was out exploring everything, although he never leaped before he
Soon before his first birthday Funky Monkey took his first steps. I loved hearing the pitter-patter of his feet. His laugh would fill our house with joy that only a toddler's contagious laugh could fill. He loved cuddling. I loved that he loved cuddling. Soon after walking he learned to march and marched to his first day of preschool. He loved to dance. Only few months later he became a big brother for the first time. Funky Monkey proved to be not only a caring and loving child but the best brother too. When we decided to home school, Funky Monkey blossomed into a little kid who loved any animal subject and excelled at math and reading. He danced. He always danced. I remember his first day in football. He was so very lost, but before second year was done he was a quarterback scoring touchdowns! He still danced all the time. He joined soccer team and loved it. His confidence grew each day. He was now a big brother to a sister and a brother. He became so compassionate that he would cry with people and animals who suffered. He danced with joy and passion. He kicked the ball hard! He still cuddled all the time. He learned the value of friends and importance of saying sorry. He made his first goal in soccer. He loves his family most of all. He loved spending time with his grandparents and his favourite auntie in the world. He became a brother for the third time. He learned to think about others. He danced. He played videogames and rode his bike and scooter. He danced. He laughed.
There is many things that Funky Monkey taught me. He taught me patience and understanding. He taught me how to put aside my wants for the sake of someone else's needs. He taught me to appreciate every day for it's miracles. He taught me that days are long but years fly by quickly. He taught me that a smile can change everything. He taught me that having a child is the easiest and the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. He taught me that being someone's mom is the biggest blessing that anyone can experience. And I taught him that I will always be there for him!
It's so amazing to see this little kid slowly becoming an adult. He makes me proud every day. He still loves to cuddle and loves to dance. He can be the funniest person in the world. I really can't believe that my baby is 10 already. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUNKY MONKEY!!!! I LOVE YOU! And I am very happy that you're my son!
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