Wednesday, April 30, 2014

100th POST!!!!

It's my 100th post!!!!!!!

Here is something very special just for you!

I hope it makes you HAPPY!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Flashback Friday!

Few years ago I had a blog that I kept for a while. I think that it would be splendid to re-post an old post every Friday for a little while.

May 8, 2008:
We had a lovely day yesterday, just by accident. Although it was BC day and a long weekend it didn't feel as such since Daddy was working. But that all changed when he finished his work early. It was only 3 pm and sunny, so what was a nice family to do on such a lovely day? WHITE ROCK!!!!! Funky Monkey loves to look out at the water when we walk down the palisade. Girly Monkey, on the other hand, enjoys seeing the people walking by. How could two such different kids come from the same mom and dad

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Birthdays, festival, uniforms, and teething!

  Life is very busy, and I originally wrote this post 2 weeks ago and never got a chance to post it. So I am posting it now!

   This week has been a crazy busy week. Both Daddy and I celebrated our birthdays (we are a day apart in birthdays). I tried really hard to surprise Daddy with a take-out form his favourite Chinese food restaurant, but apparently the people who own that restaurant did not know about my plans and took a 3 week vacation. I was very surprised when I phoned to place an order and the answering machine informed me that the restaurant is closed due to a 3 week holidays that the owners were taking. Sometimes, I wish that people could read my mind!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Money Wise Mondays - Baby pictures

   Who doesn't like showing off pictures of their precious little baby to everyone. We post them on social media, we send them in mail, we show them off to everyone who would look at them. And since they will be looked at by so many people, it a nice idea to have the pictures look clear, sharp, and presentable. That's why professional photographers are so abundant. Let's face it, they can make your blotchy-skinned, wrinkly newborn look like he is an angel-faced cupid sitting on a cloud. But their services come at a great price. A newborn session can range from 100 dollars to 500 dollars and more. But there is an altarnative to high priced photographers ... doing it yourself. Here is how to:

Step one - Decide on the types of pictures you like and props you will use. Vintage items (like wood crates, old planters and hand knit blankets make for a wonderful items for baby photography session.) If you have access to backdrops then use them, but they are not necessary.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Boob Job.

   I know what you're thinking; this is another internet article about increase of breast implants among people, or about dangers of implants to your health. I would like to surprise you with the notion that this post is about the job your breasts were designed to do .... to feed an infant. Breastfeeding has gone through a bit of a makeover in last few decades as researchers discover how beneficial, nah, important, breastfeeding is for both women and babies. Let's explore the topic of breastfeeding.

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