Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday Snapshots - nesting instinct.

   Hello everyone. I have been trying to post more this week, but it's just not happening. Girly Monkey finally got better (she had this illness for 19 days!), but unfortunately Daddy brought some more from work last week and it has been a disaster. He got really sick at the beginning of the week and couldn't get out of bed. He NEVER gets sick, so that was very unusual for him. And then when he does get sick he goes through it so very quickly, but not this time. Only today, after well over 10 days he is starting to feel better.
   Little Monkey got it next, but it never really hit him hard. He run a fever for one day and then he has a cough, but nothing too bad. Funky Money was making fun of everyone by saying that he is not going to get it. He boasted that he was too healthy and strong. Well, by Tuesday night he was running really high fever and had major body aches and headache. By Thursday he couldn't get out of bed. He is still not well enough, and has lost so much weight since he doesn't have any appetite and just nibbles at the food.
   I was not lucky enough to escape their fate and Wednesday night I run a major fever and had worse body chills ever. It had got a bit better (except for this dry cough that hurts so bad), but tonight I went downhill again and started running fever. I really have to watch the fever since high fever is bad for the baby. On three occasions I had to take Tylenol just to bring down my temperature. So far Monkey In-Waiting is tolerating it all well enough, but I do hope that this bug leaves my house before his arrival.
   Since I felt so much better today I decided to go ahead and go through the whole living room and change things around. With the new baby on the way I had to make room for all the baby equipment, plus Christmas is just around the corner and we will need room for the Christmas Tree. So I started doing all these things only to discover that in the evening my fever came back and I felt awful. Unfortunately, I was stuck with the project until it was done since I can't leave my living room in such condition. It would not be very nice if the midwives had to jump over things to get to me. And since I am over 38 weeks now I could go into labor at any time. So here is a picture of my remodel in progress. Enjoy! I am going to sleep it off.

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